Bye Bye Buggy

It was our last day together.
The empty pencil holder… the sticky steering wheel from her past relationships… the gunshot type misfire she did when I tried to make her go faster… She was one special golf cart. I’ll never forget the way she beeped when we we’re reversing, or that time I had to dig sand out from under her wheels with some coconut bark when we experimented with softer terrain. I couldn’t bear to think someone else would be touching her brake, or fiddling with her gearstick, so I burnt her.
If I can’t have her, nobody can. Farewell fast beige.
Actually, she’s being collected in the morning, which meant one last jaunt to the top of the island for pretty shots, and another beachside scavenge. I met up with local fisherman Captain Benjamin for an interview, and we talked ‘big game’… well he did, and I nodded. The last time I went fishing I was a teenager. Bimini was once world famous for big game fishing, and much of that notoriety was thanks to ‘Papa Hemingway, as Capt. Benjamin put it. In the afternoon I interviewed Bimini resident Lambert Kemp, watched a man climb a coconut tree with bare feet, and interviewed Ashley B. Saunders at the Hemingway house – The latter I hope will form the spine of the film I’m putting together, along with Piccolo Pete’s anecdotes.
I say the spine of the film but actually I’ve still got three films on the go, and have bought myself the luxury of waiting til the edit stage to make the final decision, but I’ve managed to get so much content, that it’d be a shame to not make something out of it all. I’m now planning to collect the final pieces to the jigsaw, and have a few more tricks left up my sleeve – some of these ideas are quite new for me, so I’m excited about starting the edit process to see if it will all come together.
Tomorrow I’m off to explore South Bimini, and plan on revisiting the Fountain of Youth, as well as the Shark Lab, and seeing if I can catch a glimpse of the Bimini Boa. Feeling sad for the first wave of ’14 Islanders’ as they’re heading back to the UK now, but then hey… i’ve still got 4 and a half days left! Yey for me! Janine the producer, who’s job it is to keep an eye on us all, will be visiting on Thursday so I’m working on how best to ‘look busy’. Joking aside, I’ve kept myself on the job every day, and haven’t even had a single lie in, which might go to explain why I’m now up to Tape 11 already – That’s 11 hours for 5 minute delivery… not the most efficient ratio I’ve ever worked to.
Robin Schmidt
Posted 11:11, 10 FebruaryChrist. Tapes, eh? What’s that all about. You’ve been shooting interviews though which makes a big difference. I think I’ve shot about seven hours in total on the whole trip. Still a decent total. Tons of stills as well. Yes indeed sad to be going home but I’m knackered, been up at 5am every day since I got here, that’s madness!
Posted 19:15, 10 FebruaryYeah… interviews lasting 30 minutes as a minimum… then you could waste the other half of the tape on a beautiful sunlapse. Hope you have a good journey back… I look forward to catching up with you in a few days.